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Primarily invests in equity and fixed income securities of companies identified through our fundamental research as demonstrating promising growth potential. Seeks current income and long-term capital appreciation.
Primarily invests in growth equity securities of U.S. companies identified through our fundamental research as demonstrating promising growth potential and rated as having positive environmental, social, or governance practices. Seeks long-term capital appreciation.
Primarily invests in equity securities of companies in the health sciences sector identified through our fundamental research as demonstrating promising growth potential. Seeks long-term capital appreciation.
Primarily invests in equity securities of companies focusing on the development, adoption, or utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies identified through our fundamental research as demonstrating promising growth potential. Seeks long-term capital appreciation.
Invests in a focused portfolio of approximately 50 holdings. Seeks investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of the Alger Russell Innovation Index.
Primarily invests in equity securities of companies of any size that, in the opinion of the portfolio's management, conduct their business in a socially responsible manner.